ASTA Technology UK Ltd.
ASTA Technology UK Ltd.

ESA Certified Courses

We deliver a broad range of courses for first-time certification and subsequent re-certification in accordance with the ECSS standards. 

Feel free to explore the range by following the links on the left, or scan the QR code on a mobile device to open this page there. On a mobile device, go to the navigation menu, expand "ESA Courses" and then "ESA Certified Courses" to be presented with the list. 

The codes Exx correspond to our booking codes. An E0x or E1x booking code denotes a first-time certification course. Each course then has a corresponding re-certification course, E9x or E19x, but there are no separate descriptions of those. There are some exceptions to that convention, particularly for very experienced and multi-standard certified people. We have re-certification courses that allow an economic (in terms of course duration and fees) way of maintaining one's certifications. If you do not find what you seek in our course descriptions or our course calendar, please contact us. We can usually find a good solution to every combination. 



PDF versions of our courses' fact sheets are available for download, too. 

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